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삶, 묵상

'읊조림'이라는 새 장르의 문학



저는 오늘 ‘읊조림’이라는 문학의 한 장르를 소개하고 싶습니다.
아주 오랫동안 존재해왔으나 아무도 이름지어주지 않았던 장르이구요.
아무도 그 가치를 인정하지 않았던 장르이기도 합니다.

읊조림은 서민들의 것이고, 민초들의 것이고,
삶을 사는 모든 사람들의 문학입니다.
그들이 삶에서 쥐어짜낸,
그래서 자기도 모르게 독백처럼 툭 튀어나오는
한두 마디의 말. 또는 이야기.

누군가는 그건 시로 분류하면 된다. 라거나,
우리에게는 이미 수필이라는 장르가 있다. 고 말할지도 모릅니다.
하지만 기존의 문학 장르들은 지식인들의 전유물이었습니다.
배운 자들만 쓰고, 배운 자들만 소비하는,
지식인들의 고급스런 놀이였다고나 할까요.
심지어는 노동계층의 삶 속에 드러난 그들의 거친 언어조차도
문학도들의 손을 거치지 않으면 문학으로 인정받지 못했습니다.
그러므로 이것은 시도, 수필도 아닙니다.
지식인들의 것과 다르기에 누군가 기록해주지 않으면 사라지는 것들입니다.

생각과 감정과 언어를 가진 인간이라면 누구나 할 수 있고,
이미 오래 전부터 해온 문학의 한 장르입니다.
단지 아무도 기록하지 않았을 뿐이죠.

사람들 사이에 회자되는 명언, 격언, 유언 같은 것은 모두 세상에 거대하게 이름이 알려진 사람들의 것입니다. 빅 데이터 시대에 가장 거대해야 할 인류의 유언이라는 빅 데이터가 존재하지 않는 아이러니 속에서, 민초들의 읊조림조차도 기록의 가치가 있다고 믿는 작은 신념 같은 것이죠.

대신에, 각자가 각자의 읊조림을 기록해야 합니다.
각자의 마음을 기록해야 합니다.
각자의 감정과 생각을 기록해야 합니다.
그리고 그것은 대물림되어도 좋을 만큼의 깊은 가치를 지닌다고 생각합니다.

밥은 꼭 챙겨먹고 다니라는 외할머니의 마지막 한 마디를,
세상에 누가 시나 수필로 기억해주겠습니까?


[Anew genre of literature called recitation.]

Today, I would like to introduce a genre of literature called recitation.

It's a genre that's been around for a long time, but no one has named it.

It's also a genre that no one recognized for its value.


The recitation belongs to the common people, to the grasshoppers,

It's the literature of everyone who lives.

They've squeezed it out of their lives

So you can't even see it coming out like a monologue.

a word or two Or a story.


Someone can classify it as a poem. Laguna,

We already have a genre called essay. I might say.

But the traditional genres of literature were the preserve of intellectuals.

Use only the learners, consume only the learners.

It was a high-end game of intellectuals.

Even their harsh language in the working class lives.

If you don't go through the hands of the literati, you won't be recognized as literature.

So it's not an attempt, an essay.

They're different from the intellectuals, and they're gone if someone doesn't record them.



Any human being with thoughts, feelings and language can do it.

It's a genre of literature that I've been doing for a long time.

It's just that no one recorded it.


The famous words, the maxims, the wills that are spoken among people are all those of the world's greatest names. In the irony of not having the greatest human will in the Big Data era, it's like a little belief that even the recitation of grasshoppers is worth the record.


Instead, each person should record their own recitation.

You have to record your own minds.

You have to record your feelings and thoughts.

And I think it's worth a good deal of it.


The last words of my maternal grandmother, "Don't forget to eat."

Oh, my God. Who's going to remember it as a poem or an essay?